Archer Heights


Horse-pulled trolleys were introduced to Archer Heights in the 1890s, and within the next few decades they were replaced by electric streetcars. These transportation advancements made the neighborhood easily accessible to and from other parts of the city, and because of this, the area's population started to steadily increase thanks to an influx of immigrant laborers from Western European countries.

During this period of growth, Archer Avenue, the diagonal street that cuts through the neighborhood and is responsible for the first half of it's name, developed into one of the city's major thoroughfares. Along with Pulaski Road, Archer Avenue became the area's primary artery that connected the neighborhood's residents to the nearby stockyards and the business district downtown.

The second part of the Archer Heights name came from a developer that was building a subdivision in the neighborhood. According to the developer, "Heights" was meant to impart a sense of prestige, even though the region sat no higher than any of the territory around it.




Armour Square